"Singing everyones thunderstruck they haven heard such a thing in years not on this ward"....."how come the black boys haven't hushed him up out there they havent let anyone raise such a racket before" - page 91-92
why don't they stop McMurphy from singing?
Quote 2: "This time he doesn't untie the sheet but walks away from me to help two aids I never saw before and young doctor lift old Blastic on to the stretcher and carry him out covered in a sheet - handle him more careful then anybody ever handled him before in all his life" -page 90
Question 2: How did the vegetable Blastic die?
Quote: "You havin' a bad dream, Mistuh Bromden." -Mr Turkle, pg. 90 paragraph 2 line 2
Question: Is Mr. Turkle really trying to be kind?
Quote: "There! Damn you right there! That's where I want you workin', not gawkin' around like some big useless cow! There! There!"
-black boy to Chief, pg. 94 paragraph 2nd to last one
Question: Why is he yelling at chief?
8. "I get a smell of something that's makes me realize [that] never before now, before he [McMurphy] came in, the smell of dust and earth from the open fields, and sweat, and work." (101)
What is the history of the patients prior to their admission?
7. "The worker takes the scalpel and slices up the front of old Blastic with a clean swing and the old man stops thrashing around. I expect to be sick, but there's no blood or innards falling out like I was looking to see -- just a shower of rust and ashes, and now and again a piece of wire or glass." (88)
What does Bromden's understanding of the Combine's affect on the patients symbolize?
uhuh, uhuh, I think I can see what your driving at... yeah, I can see your point
bottom of page 93
what regulations are included in ward policy
top of page 92
How come they treat this new guy different...combine as anybody else, don't they?
how did the acute feel about the way Nurse Ratchetd
treats McMurphy
chapter 7:
page 86
"And then probably help one of the workers lift me onto one of those hooks himself saying, How about lets see what the insides of an Indian look like?"
do you think chief was imagining this or were these events actually occurring?
chapter 8:
page 101
"but never before now, before he came in, the man smell of dust and dirt from the open fields, and sweat, and work."
why does McMurphy smell like this? do you think he brought in a new aroma, if so what?
1. "You havin' a bad dream, Mistuh Bromden." -Mr. Turkle
Do you think the dream is real?
2. "No. No, I'm afraid I wasn't. Not a thing this morning but the cap that's on my head and-" -McMurphy
What's he afraid of?
chapter 7 -page 90
"I know already what will happen: somebody will drag me out of the fog and we'll be back on the ward and there won't be a sign of what went on tonight and if i was fool enough to try and tell anybody about it they'd say, Idiot, you just had a nightmare; things as crazy as a big machine room down in the bowels in a dam where people get cut up by robot workers that dont exist. But if they don't exist, how can a man see them?"
question: Do you think that this really happened or was it just a dream?
chapter 8- pg 93
" "It's ward policy Mr. McMurphy, that's the reason." And when he sees that this last reason don't affect McMurphy like it should, he frowns at that hand on his shoulder and adds, "What you s'pose it'd be like if evahbody was to brush their teeth whenever they took a notion to brush?"
Chapter 7 Quote-
"Oh, a beer, I think, for the long night ahead." (85)
What is the fog that Bromden keeps seeing and gets lost in? What is it really?
Chapter 8 Quote-
And when he sees that this last reason doesn't affect McMurphy like it should, he frowns at that hand on his shoulder and adds,"What you s'pose it'd be like if evahbody was to brush their teeth whenever they took a notion to brush.
Question- Who is stating those quote and what is happening in the conversation?
Chapter 7"I hear the high, cold, whistling wet breath of the fog machine, see the first wisps of it come seeping out from under McMurphy's bed. I hope he knows enough to hide in the fog." (88-89)Question:Who does Chief Bromden refer to when he hopes that McMurphy knows to hide in the fog?Chapter 8"-but never before now, before he came in, the man smell of dust and dirt from the open field, and sweat, and work." (101)
Question:What type of person do you think came into the ward before McMurphy?
Ch. 7 Quote: If I shook somebody awake he'd say, Why you crazy idiot, what the hell's eating you? And then probably help one of the workers lift me onto one of those hooks himself, saying How bout let's see what the inside of an Indian looks like? (88)What does this show about Bromden and his awareness of his mental state?Ch. 8 Quote: Her lips are parted, and her smiles going out before her like a radiator grill. I can smell the hot oil and magento spark when she goes by, and every step hits the floor she blows up a size bigger, blowing and puffing, roll down anything in her path!What reoccurring theme of the book does this demonstrate? Explain.
Chapter 8 quotes: "her doll smile is gone, stretched tight and thin as a red hot wire. If some of the patients could be out to see her now, McMurphy could start collecting bets." Page 98 2nd "She can't have them see her face like this, white and warped with fury." (99)
Question: Does ratchet give in to mcmurphys torment?
Chapter 7 quotes: 1st "I expect to be sick, but there's no blood or innards falling out like I was looking to see—just a shower of rust and ashes, and now and again a piece of wire or glass. (88)
Question: what is significant about what bromden sees? Why are the doctors doing this to the patients?
Chapter 7
It-everything I see-looks like it sounded, like the inside of a tremendous dam. (87)
Why does Chief Broom think that everything is a machine?
Chapter 7
"It's Mr. Turkle that pulls me out of the fog by the arm shaking me and grinning."
Quote: "You havin' a bad dream, Mistuh Bromden." -Mr Turkle, pg. 90 paragraph 2 line 2
Question: Is Mr. Turkle really trying to be kind?
Quote: "There! Damn you right there! That's where I want you workin', not gawkin' around like some big useless cow! There! There!"
-black boy to Chief, pg. 94 paragraph 2nd to last one
Question: Why is he yelling at chief?
QUESTION-What does the fog represent in the story?
"They never let anyone raise this much racket before, did they?"
QUESTION-Why do they treat McMurphy differently 91-92
Chapter 8> She starts moving, and i get back against the wall, and when she rumbles past she's already big as a truck, trailing that whicker bag behind in her exhaust like a semi behind a Jimmy Diesel. PG 96> What does he mean when he says she is as big as a truck?
Chapter 7:"When you take one of these red pills you don't just go to sleep; you are paralyzed with sleep, and all night long you can't wake, no matter why how's on around you. That's why the staff gives me the pills; at the old place I took to waking up at night and catching them performing all kinda of horrible crimes on the patients sleeping around me." (88)Who is the man that dies and how does Chief Broom believe he died?
Chapter 8:"Singing! Everybody's thunderstruck. They haven't heard such a thing in years, not on this ward." (p. 91)What does McMurphy want that the staff won't let him have?
"He finally winks at the nurse and shrugs and unwraps the towel, drapes it over her shoulder like she was a wooden rack. I see he had his shorts on under the towel all along."(99)What is significant about McMurphy's action? Why is it ironic?