HWK:Read the following story and think about these questions FOR TUESDAY:
“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates (584)
Discussion Questions:
- What main conflict is presented in the first paragraph? What is the main CONTRAST in this paragraph? How do these ideas connect with the rest of the story?
- “Everything about her had two sides to it” (585). Explain.
- “Arnold Friend”: Choose the three most meaningful physical
descriptions of this character, and explain how/why they “work.” and
explain the irony of his name.
- Find three setting clues (place and time).
- Track the motif of music in the story. What does it (re)present?
- What does Connie’s dreaminess” represent? (Reread examples in
text.) What does it change into?
Explain the
story’s ending.
Story Writing Assignment: Due Next Friday, September 27th
It’s time for you to
write your own original modern short story. The subject can be of your
choosing. But your story should have:
--a protagonist
--an antagonist
--at least 2 incidents in
the rising action
--a climax
--falling action and a
--an epiphany (the
epiphany can appear either in the climax or in the resolution)
Here are a few things you
should not/cannot do:
--no supernatural
--no profanity
--no graphic sex
or violence
Stories should be typed,
double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Length should be 3-4 pages (5 pages
maximum—you’ll be penalized if your story is any longer). I will grade you on how well you adhere to
the guidelines, and on the vividness and originality of your story.
Stories are due on Friday, September 27thth.
In addition to the work
you do at home, you will have some class time (likely two class periods) to
work on your stories.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
10 Tips on Writing from Joyce Carol Oates | Brain Pickings http://t.co/uuAs6xvaAZ via @brainpicker
— Kevin James O'Brien (@KOB14) September 16, 2013
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